Our own Silent Hill
Our own Silent Hill
Our own Silent Hill was a series created in 2021 again, approaching the subject matter based on the affects of social media over how one see's themselves.
A different perspective is carried out, as the focus drifts away from the physical aspect and shifts towards the emotional impact and the consumption of rage.
"I don't want to depict myself physically how I have been doing, it's unrealistic and unhealthy because I don't believe I am 'ugly', It's the emotional impact of social media and other ridiculous beauty standards having an impact on my emotions- the emotions are ugly not me and it makes me angry I have to deal with these unrealistic voices consuming my brain every time I look in the mirror"
Both paintings are about becoming aware and having a form of 'awakening' towards these negative depictions of self. After wising up to the tricks and taunts, Your own Silent Hill represents that a lot of people will be suffering inside their head about this 'horror' we face as a society.
Silent Hill depictions came after realising painting through emotions releases these inner 'demons'. It's the idea of facing up to these demons, which are the subconscious voices and consciously confronting them.
"It really is a war between the conscious and the subconscious, it is portrayed within the brutality of the paint"
Self Portrait Series
Self Portrait Series
Self Portrait series was a series created especially for
OUTSET exhibition focusing on the inner emotions and feelings of rage felt when using a mirror as reference to paint.
These were designed to be site specific to suit the room they were being exhibited in.
"The creation process of this series was so powerful and violent, it was a release of negative energy and strongly focuses on the brutality of the paint relating to these emotions pouring out onto the canvas. It got very violent and I loved every moment of creating these little guys"
Each painting is individual however, harmonise together in a series Each painting depicts MacHirst's raw emotions, through a brutal creation process. Each painting is completely original and would not be able to be re-created again. This pushes the portrayal of the creation being equally as important as the final piece.
"Each painting comes with a name of the emotion felt on that day when looking in that mirror, there are hints towards the name blatant in the paint, it's interesting to see if an audience can make that connection, it's about bringing that internal monologue inside my head into the open through the paint."